All SOUL GOOD BEVERAGE is infused with Australian native plants. All Soul Good Beverage is sourced from Grape and infused with native anti-oxidation Australian native plants.

Quandong is an Australian native shrub or tree belonging to the family Santalaceae. Ripe fruits are 15–25 mm with a shiny, yellow to red skin. Its flesh is white to cream, about 3–5 mm thick and was taken as food by Aboriginals and Europeans alike.
The fruit is referred to by several names such as Sweet Quandong, Wild Peach,Desert Peach and Native Peach as well as Aboriginal names such as Guwandhuna, Gutchu, Wanjanu, Mangata, Goorti and Wadjal, among others. Aboriginal communities ate the fresh fruit or dried it for later use and then reconstituted it by soaking in water. The kernel was also extracted and used for various medicinal purposes
(Williams 2010). The fruit was also a favourite among early European explorers and
settlers for jams and pies. The fruit is usually dry in texture and tart tasting and has
a variable sweetness. The vitamin C content is higher than in oranges.

Lemon myrtle, botanically named ‘Backhousia citriodora’, is an Australian Native rainforest tree.
It is a medium-sized tree that can reach heights ranging up to 30 m with a dense canopy. The lemon-scented leaves, which are 5–12.5 cm long, are dark green, glossy and lance-shaped. The leaves are highly fragrant when crushed and are used commercially to extract the lemon flavour.
Lemon myrtle has the world’s highest and purest source of natural Citrali (90%–98%) – the oil that gives lemon its characteristic flavor.
The beauty of lemon myrtle is its versatility and endless uses. lemon myrtle is
now one of the most well-renowned and most versatile of all the Australian native

T. ferdinandiana is endemic to the monsoon tropics of northern Australia and has a long history of medicinal/nutritional use by Indigenous Australians. The fruit and other parts of the tree have exceptional chemical properties, including extraordinary high content of vitamin C and antioxidants.
It is currently used as a food ingredient, in beauty products and increasingly for its functional properties, significant antioxidant capacities and high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, folate and certain minerals.